Unbabel Pricing

Unbabel needed a better way to package their services and products. They introduced a new pricing model. The website needed a new page that would offer clarity and drive conversations with prospects.

The new pricing page must offer complete clarity on these different packages while also providing all the necessary information. Our users should leave feeling ready to knowledgeably converse with our Sales team. There should be no ambiguity. The page should be comprehensive but not overwhelming to navigate.

We looked critically at everything from the header to the footer to eliminate any roadblocks to complete understanding.

pricing page header with text "Select the right plan for your customer service organization"

I helped the Creative and Product Marketing team to organize the information in a way that could be easily absorbed and with concise copy.

I edited the content for this page, helped cement the terminology, and ensured that the FAQ clearly defined the new measurement units.

FAQ section at the bottom of the pricing page