Device Mailback Program

I worked closely with design and business leadership and product owners to design a flow for Stream TV recycling. This flow helps Washington DC users mail their device in and showed users outside of DC where their nearest store was so they could bring their device in.


Rapidly ideated and iterated to meet pivoting needs

Aligned content design and business strategy

Advocated for the user and the content design discipline

Verizon offers recycling of Stream TV and other streaming devices (Roku, Firestick, etc.) through their retail stores. Customers usually take their devices to a corporate store for recycling, and the retail store sends the device to the warehouse, where it gets recycled by the vendor. 

A new mandate from Washington DC required Verizon to offer an additional recycling option: Customers should be able to mail in their streaming devices of any brand. They can get the shipping label from Verizon and then send in their devices.

To achieve compliance with this regulation, I teamed up with the product designer, product owner, legal and other leadership to create a strategy to modify the language across all points of sale to 

The digital channel to create a shipping label was something we had to build from scratch. We created the messaging for both the Verizon website as well as the My Verizon mobile app.

First steps: research and context

The original content written by my predecessor was simple and got the point across.

The original messaging before I took on this project.

However, there were a few changes to the team's priorities and I had to pivot.

My biggest beef with the original was mainly surrounding the messaging for both non-DC and DC residents presented together in one statement. I wanted to make the content more actionable, so some of the questions I asked were:

First drafts

Based on the leadership's answers to these questions, I was able to expand and refine the content one step further and do a few maneuvers to get legal approval.

I made changes to the draft by prioritizing clarity, ease and actionability for the users.

Based on the answers to the above questions (and after getting consensus with leadership and legal), the product designer and I got to work on the happy path for DC residents and messages for non-DC residents.

The first step: The user clicks on the Download shipping label button and is directed to enter their address. 

The user enters their address first for validation.

For DC residents

If the user's address is a DC address (or even a Maryland address that's within coverage), they get a success message that their shipping label is ready for download, along with an acknowledgement that they're aware that they will not receive trade-in value for this device.

If the address falls within the coverage area, they get the shipping label.

Clicking on the Get shipping label button takes them to the PDF of the label they can download and print.

For non-DC residents

If the user's address is not covered by this program, they get a message that they can only recycle their device at a Verizon store. I created multiple variations of this message to give the product owner and leadership some options. 

Multiple variations of the message for non-DC residents

Fine-tuning and reworking this flow

After a little more digging around leadership priorities and engineering constraints while implementing this solution, I got a few more insights. 

In response to these findings, I iterated immediately and came up with two versions. I made this flow a little more intuitive and changed the content to be more readable. 

Option 1 

The first option was shorter and not very transparent, but it was definitely easier to digest. When the user clicks on get started, they'd be routed to the relevant information based on their address. 

Shorter version, a little more active about pushing the user to bring the device in store. Puts more pressure on the next modals to deliver more context and clarity.

However, this made for a poor user experience. It put Verizon first, not the user.

Option 2

The second option presented the user with all the information right away. It was a lot of content and could easily be overwhelming to the user. But it was the more transparent approach.

Longer version, more transparent. The entry point does most of the heavy-lifting and gives the users an opportunity to choose between the different options right from the get-go.

This was not very easy to read. But it provided all the options to the user up front. 

After consulting with leadership and legal once again, we decided option 2 was the way to go.

Routing the user to the right information

For the two versions of the entry point, I created multiple corresponding versions of the modal. 

For DC users

The first option gives the user the shipping label to download, but it also provides a small-text option to find the nearest store, in case they wanted to bring the device to the store. (This is the option I tried to push for.)

The second option just presented them with the shipping label. The logic from the stakeholders was that, if the users moved on from finding the store at the entry point and got to this point, they probably didn't need the store locator. (I disagreed.)

Users can get a shipping label or have access to go to the store locator from here. They didn't have to go back to the entry point to get anything else.

Users only get the shipping label here. If they wanted to find more instructions for bringing the device to the store, they had to go back to the entry point.

For non-DC users

The focus of the messaging had shifted from whether the user can mail in the device or not. It made more sense to give the user clear instructions instead of telling them they couldn't do something. I changed the content in this modal to have a helpful and reassuring tone, reflecting the tone of the entry point.

Reused messaging from the entry point with clear instructions on how to bring the device to the store